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Hidden Saga YA Romantasy Bundle

Hidden Saga YA Romantasy Bundle


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 16,000+ 5-Star Reviews

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The Hidden Saga Trilogy

Hidden Deep

"I am absolutely in love with this book. I have never been so emotional reading a book in my life. I might just read this one all over again! Kudos to Amy Patrick for being one of the most amazing writers I have ever come across!"Amazon Reviewer

"Perfectly written. Great story. I'm so happy I've found a series to adore."Amazon Reviewer

"Holy crap that was riveting!"- 5-star reviewer

He isn't supposed to even talk to a human... much less fall in love with one.

Sixteen-year-old Ryann Carroll has just run into the guy who saved her life ten years ago. You might think she'd be happy to see him again. Not exactly. She's a bit underdressed (as in skinny-dipping) and he's ...not supposed to exist.

After her father's affair, all Ryann wants is to escape the family implosion fallout and find a little peace. She also wouldn't mind a first date that didn't suck, but she's determined not to end up like her mom: vulnerable, betrayed, destroyed. Ryann's just moved into her grandma's house in rural Mississippi, the same place where ten years earlier she became lost in the woods overnight and nearly died.

She's still irresistibly drawn to those woods. There she encounters the boy who kept her from freezing to death that long ago winter night and was nowhere to be seen when rescuers arrived. He's still mysterious, but now all grown-up and gorgeous, too. And the more she's with him, the greater the threat he poses to Ryann's strict policy-- never want someone more than he wants you.

Seventeen-year-old Lad knows the law of his people all too well: Don't get careless and Don't get caught.
It's allowed his race to live undetected in this world for thousands of years, mentioned only in flawed and fading folklore. Lad's never been able to forget about Ryann since that night ten years ago. When he sees her again, his fascination re-ignites and becomes a growing desire that tempts him to break all the rules. He's not even supposed to talk to a human, much less fall in love with one.

And the timing is atrocious. The Assemblage is coming, the rift between the Light and Dark is widening. Lad may have to trade his own chance at happiness to keep the humans, especially Ryann, blissfully ignorant and safe.

Hidden Heart

"I wouldn't have believed it--the second book to the series is better than the first!" 5-star reviewer

"What can I say, I'M OFFICIALLY ADDICTED TO THIS SERIES! Amy Patrick has a way of making her characters really come to life." 5- star reviewer

"SO MUCH happened in this book that I actually found myself saying, "Oh, wow... Oh, WOW!" out loud!! I didn't want to put this book down and finished it in only two days." 5-star reviewer

Ryann Carroll thought she knew who she was… a small-town Southern girl just trying to survive her parents’ messy divorce and find some peace for herself.

She thought she knew what she wanted… a summer job, a car, a first date that didn’t suck, and NO complications from a serious relationship—any guy in her life would simply be icing on the cake.

But now… she’s not only in love, her boyfriend Lad is a member of an ancient race that’s lived secretly among humans for thousands of years, mentioned only in flawed and fading folklore. Things could hardly get more complicated than that.

More importantly, she’s learned the world’s top celebrities… those actors, musicians, athletes, and politicians who seem a little too beautiful and talented to be true… actually are. They’re not human, and they’re using their glamour and the increasing popularity of fan pods to control more and more humans. But why?

With her best friend Emmy leaving soon to join the fan pod of a famous actor, Ryann has to find out the answer. And she can’t do it alone. But after a shocking murder, Lad can no longer fight his destiny or his duty, and Ryann’s not sure whether his top priority is their relationship or his people.

In this second book of the Hidden Saga, true friendship will take Ryann from rural Mississippi to the glittering city of Los Angeles. And true love will take her to places she never expected to go…

Hidden Hope

"Okay, I read ALOT of books... ALOT. (my husband complains quite a bit) and I have to say, this is probably the most memorable series I've read in the past 2 years. I LOVED it. I've pretty much gotten no sleep the past few nights!" 5-star reviewer

"I have recommended this Trilogy to everyone I know who reads and to some I know don't. It's an amazing read. If I could, I wouldn't rate it 5 stars--it would be a 10-star rating from me." 5-star reviewer

Ryann is torn between two kings… two brothers.

Lad, the king of the Light Court, is her first love. Nox, the new king of the Dark Court, came through when she needed him most and won her heart.

But Lad has revealed a secret to Ryann that devastates her and tears at her loyalties. And though Nox and Lad are fierce rivals for the girl they both love, an even bigger problem threatens them all.

The unsuspecting human population of the world hangs in the balance of an approaching war between Dark and Light. Powerful fan pods have transformed the face of the country. It’s abnormal NOT to be in one now. The Dark Council’s plan is almost accomplished, and they are nearly ready to reveal themselves and take back rulership of the world, as it was in the old days, before the history books were written.

Ryann can’t believe the Nox she knows and loves would allow that to happen, though he is now deeply entrenched in the Dark Court and seems to be changing by the day. Is his love for Ryann strong enough to give him the strength to stand against his people and their plot?

Or should she side with Lad and the Light Court, who appear to have the welfare of humans in mind? He is fighting the looming danger hard as he can, fully involved now in the world of Elven politics he tried so hard to avoid.

And what can Ryann-- only a partial Fae-- personally do?

She will have to learn to balance her own Dark and Light sides-- and somehow make a the right choice between two tempting Fae guys-- or face the consequences of a wrong decision eternally and watch her family and the entire human world fall under the oppression of the Dark Court.

The Dark Court Trilogy

Hidden Darkness

“I have gotten zero sleep in the last 3 days. It's 4AM right now, and I have just purchased the 5th book to feed my addiction. I am literally unable to put the phone down. I just keep charging it over and over and reading. Fantastic is how I have described it to everyone!”-5-star reviewer

The Darkness is Coming...

Ryann and Lad are together and in love but not yet bonded. Wedding plans are underway, but they cannot marry until the mourning period for his father, the murdered king, ends. Waiting is sweet torture and gets harder all the time.

Nox and Vancia are touring the world with his band The Hidden and enjoying their honeymoon. They’re also working to convince the holdout tribes in Europe, Asia, and Australia to disband their fan pods and sign the new peace treaty between the Dark and Light Courts. It’s the only way to ensure the safety of humans worldwide.

But unbeknownst to any of them, dark forces are still at work. There are some who don’t support the treaty—or their new king. And they’ll do anything necessary to restore Elven reign over humanity.

When an ambassador from the Dark Court arrives in Altum, Lad expects relations between the formerly antagonistic clans to improve. What he didn’t expect is her unique glamour—or her traveling companion.

And Ryann’s own glamour gift is warning her… if they can’t uncover the hidden truth in time, the much-anticipated royal wedding may never happen.

As the Hidden Saga continues, friendships will be formed and broken, the bonds of love tested, and beautiful and dangerous new glamours revealed.

HIDDEN DARKNESS is a romantic and gripping full length YA paranormal romance that will transport urban fantasy fans to a fascinating supernatural world within our own, filled with suspense, danger, sizzling tension, and desire.

Hidden Danger

"Love Amy Patrick's work! She is a gifted storyteller/writer/author... her Hidden series is superbly written." 5-star reviewer

"Fantastic fantasy! Great story and keeps getting better with each new book." 5-star reviewer

The Danger is Everywhere...

The Dark Council has struck a shocking and powerful blow against the Light Court and its human allies, defying their own king, Nox, and seeking to re-establish Dark Elven influence and domination over the human world.

While Ryann and Lad work to restore production of Magnolia Sugar Tea, Ava is forced to return to the Dark Court to face Audun, the cruel and powerful head of the Dark Council, and learn the consequences for disobeying his orders. With no other choice, she sets off on a road trip with her former fiancé Culley, whom she does not like and does not trust, and leaves behind Asher, the intriguing and much too tempting human boy she met in Deep River.

Along the way she’ll discover what Culley’s mission in Altum was, and the disastrous effect it will have on the human race.

But there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to this mysterious Dark Elven guy with his alluring and deceptive glamour, and Ava will find herself torn between two possible futures as she sets her own course through the Hidden world.

Hidden Desire

"Wonderful writing, wonderful characters, this is a great series." -Amazon reviewer

"You will be caught up right from the very beginning and addicted even more with every turn of the page." -Amazon reviewer

"No other word.except amazing! You will surely believe in love after reading this book!" -Amazon reviewer

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

Culley Rune is the perfect guy—as far as anyone can see. Inside, he knows he's unlovable, unworthy, unwanted. He's done terrible things in service to his father, the corrupt leader of the Dark Council--including playing a pivotal role in the mysterious new drug epidemic that's sweeping the human population of the world.

Now that he's lost his one chance at a real relationship, there's no reason to change his ways. He might as well take his place at his mercenary father's side. But when he runs into a strange human girl in the worst possible place at the worst possible time, he can't seem to stop himself from getting involved, and he may have found the one person on earth who can see past his beautiful facade to the heavily-guarded heart that lies beneath.

In this sixth book of the Hidden Saga, as the battle between the Dark and Light courts rages on, the fate of the human race may lie in Culley's hands, and the fate of his heart may rest with the last girl he'd ever have expected to breach his defenses.

The Ancient Court Trilogy

Hidden Game

"I never imagined I could love a collection this much! I have to say, Amy Patrick is truly an amazing writer. I only bought the book out of curiosity thinking she'd never be able to top the first 6 books, well she did and I am beside myself excited for the next two. Well done Amy Patrick you have truly created something amazing!"- Amazon reviewer

"This was such a fun adventure! Many times I was surprised and shocked by the twists and turns in the storyline. After reading so many books, it’s hard to surprise me. Well done! I’m buying book 8 now!"- Amazon reviewer

As a royal in the Ancient Court, Nic’s life is planned out for him. Those plans do NOT include falling in love with a human…

18-year-old Macy Moreno meant to spend a few months backpacking around Europe. Instead, she’s ended up in an ancient castle belonging to international soccer sensation Nicolo Buonaccorsi. Macy thought it might be fun to meet a celebrity—especially one as hot as Nicolo, but things at Nic’s house are a bit… strange. For one thing, she’s only one of many girls there, and all the others seem to be under some sort of spell. And while their exotic “hosts” are generous and intensely beautiful, they’re also a little terrifying. They keep promising the girls they’ll get to meet the handsome and wealthy sports star—but they don’t deliver. Macy is done with the whole bizarre situation and ready to hit the road again. But her life takes a thrilling and startling turn when she catches the eye of the mysterious and alluring Nicolo-- and learns the truth about him and the Ancient Court's Hidden Game...

Romantic and gripping, Hidden Game will transport fans of urban fantasy and paranormal romance to a fascinating world within our own, filled with suspense, danger, and desire. Readers captivated by earlier books in the Hidden Saga will devour Hidden Game.

Hidden Magic

"I chose a 5 star rating because I didn't have the option of a higher rating. Book 2 is even better than book 1! I found myself all over the world while reading Hidden Magic. No details were spared. The story line was very well planned and thought through. Bring on book 3, I'm ready!"- Amazon review

"I can't put it down, needing and wanting to know what happens next. On the edge of my seat, never being able to guess what happens next. Definitely not one of those predictable kind of books. I can't wait for the next book in the series!"- Amazon review

The evil of the Ancient Court is spreading...

Macy Moreno has been through hell. She only survived because the guy she loved—Nicolo Buonaccorsi—sacrificed his own life to save her. Though she’s discovered there’s much more to the world than she ever imagined, as far as Macy is concerned, all its magic died with him. She’s alive, but her heart will never recover.

Macy goes back on the road, trying to outrun her painful past and the haunting memories of the love she’s lost-- and trying to forget that the end of mankind is quickly approaching. If only Nic had survived. If only there were something she could do to stop the coming Plague. But she’s only human—as far as she knows.

The only bright spot in her life comes from an unexpected source—a traveling companion she didn’t want but can’t seem to get rid of. And just when she thinks she might find some semblance of happiness in her new life, everything changes again, and she’s caught in an emotional tug-of-war between her past and the present.

Give in to the Glamour once more as a new villain arises, a new love emerges, and a new hope for the survival of humankind comes from the most unlikely of places. Download your copy of Hidden Magic today!

Hidden Hero

"Absolutely perfect ending to a fantastic story!❤
I loved this book! Nic and Macy's story is by far my favorite in the Hidden series! (I enjoyed Wes and Alessa's as well.) It is very well written and extremely addicting. I couldn't put it down! If you like romance, well-developed characters, danger, fantasy and happy endings then this is the perfect book (and series) for you!" -Amazon reviewer

"The Ancient Court,was really great!#1,#2,#3,I couldn't put them down! Keep the great stories coming. I cannot wait to read more." -Amazon reviewer


After a year-long separation and a search across continents, Macy and Nic have found each other again. Now they must find her family—the birth mother who abandoned her at the hospital and fled back to her people’s secret sanctuary—if they are to beat the clock and save the human race from the onslaught of the coming Plague.

Alessia didn’t intend to activate the deadly virus, but after determining that Nic betrayed her, she’s almost glad she did. The only problem? She won’t be around to enjoy the aftermath—she’s being held captive on a remote, windswept island by a mysterious guy who’s completely immune to her Sway and won’t let her get close enough to use her deadly glamour on him.

Give in to the Glamour once more as the end of the human world looms, an ancient secret is unearthed, and a hidden hero emerges.

HIDDEN HERO is a romantic and gripping full length YA paranormal romance novel that will transport urban fantasy fans to a fascinating supernatural world within our own, filled with suspense, danger, sizzling tension, and desire.

💚 plus book 10, Hidden Heir


Romantic and gripping, the Hidden Saga romantic fantasy series will transport you to a fascinating world within our own, filled with suspense, danger, and sizzling desire. 

Contains 10 full length ebooks--the entire Hidden Saga--including Book 1 completely free! And when you buy it direct from Amy Patrick Books, you get the complete set at less than HALF the price of the big retailers! 

"I couldn’t put it down. Stayed up all night. Each book in this series gets better. Simply mesmerizing." 5-star reviewer

View full details
  • The Hidden Saga is a ten-book romantic fantasy adventure written in subsets, and you get ALL of them in this enchanting collection: 

    The original trilogy-- Hidden Deep, Hidden Heart and Hidden Hope. 

    The Dark Court trilogy-- Hidden Darkness, Hidden Danger, and Hidden Desire. 

    The Ancient Court trilogy, which begins with Hidden Game, picks up in a whole new location (Europe!) with all new characters, then wraps around to include and intertwine with favorite characters from the previous books. 

    Hidden Heir completes the series and involves all the characters in an incredible life-and-death, intensely romantic final adventure.

What Readers Are Saying

About the Hidden Saga

"I just finished reading Book 10 of the series. So amazing. Every book was like stepping into a fantasy, and I couldn't stop reading. Definitely read this series!"- Amazon reviewer

"Captivating. This series grabbed me and didn't let go until the last page of 10 books. It's full of rich details that transport readers to astounding places and characters we come to love and cheer for."- Amazing reviewer

"This series blew me away! It was so full of heartache and danger, yet true love always prevails in the end. Love this author... she is super talented!!!!" - Amazon reviewer

Read a Sample


The first time I saw him, everyone convinced me he was a hallucination caused by hypothermia.

It was the second time that messed me up.

* * *

It was only noon, but I couldn’t wait anymore. The need to get out there had been growing stronger every day. With everything my mom had going on, maybe she wouldn’t give me an argument this time.

The screen door slammed behind me with a loud creak and double-bouncing bang. 

“Ryann? You going out?”

I exhaled loudly then turned and faced my mother as she followed me out onto the back porch. She was dressed in her new red interview suit, a face full of going-somewhere makeup, and her hair up in clips where she’d been straightening it in sections. She’d rushed to the door in her stocking feet, causing a fresh run to start near her big toe.

“I left a note on the counter. Just going for a walk—you know.” I shrugged. No big deal.

Glancing down, I nodded toward her foot. “You’d better change those.”

“Shoot!” She hiked up her skirt and started ripping off the pantyhose. “What the heck am I doing? I haven’t worked in sixteen years. They’re going to laugh me out the door.”

She wobbled to one side, off balance. I reached out to steady her.

“They’ll love you.” 

Mom wrinkled her nose, brushing off my reassurance. “You’re right. How could they not want such a strong job candidate? Thirty-six, living with my mother again, and did I mention the part about no work experience? Don’t ever get yourself in this situation, Ryann. Depend on you—no one else—” 

“Mom.” I interrupted before she could launch into the full mantra. “They’re going to love you.”

She balled up the ruined stockings and gave me a doubtful smile, the shallow lines on her forehead deepening. Her eyes closed for a long moment, and she let out a resigned sigh.

“Why do you want to go tromping around in those buggy, thorny woods every day, Ryann? You know I hate it.”

“I won’t go far. I’ll probably be back before you even get home.”

I knew exactly what this was about. In my mother’s mind, I was still six years old, likely to wander off and get lost, and this time, never return. There was a pause, and I could see the surrender forming behind her eyes. 

“Well… spray yourself so you don’t get eaten alive.” She picked up a can of insect repellant from the porch railing, thrusting it at me. “And stay on the trails. And don’t be late.”

“You don’t be late.” I took the can and smiled at her, already backing down the porch stairs. “And good luck.” 

Stepping out into the pine-scented heat was a relief. We’d moved way out into the sticks, but we hadn’t left the tension behind in town.

A giddy sense of freedom swept me up, and I practically ran to get to the trees bordering my grandma’s house. My home now, too, as of three days earlier.

I’d come here for visits my whole life. Now it was a little more permanent, which was fine with me. I’d always loved this place. The hot clinging air, the rambling log house, and especially the deep, dense woodland surrounding it.

The locals would probably think that was kind of strange, since most of them remembered when I nearly died out here.

Sticks snapped under my sneakers as I walked, listening to birdsong and whining insects. All familiar and welcoming. And a familiar feeling wrapped around me as well. Of hoping for… something. I wasn’t sure what.

I’d promised not to go far, and I didn’t intend to, but once I got going, it was too tempting to keep on walking, exploring deeper into the woods.

The further I went, the lighter I felt. The sensation was like exhaling after holding your breath for way too long. Anyway, if I’d kept my promise and stayed on the trail, I never would’ve found this place.

The spring-fed pool was so clear I could see the large flat rocks and green plants lining the bottom. Leaves pirouetted from the surrounding trees, landing and floating on the glassy surface.

Sunlight streamed through the treetops in little pockets, making a kaleidoscope pattern on the moss and springy wild ferns growing along the water’s edge. It felt like my own magical discovery.

My t-shirt and shorts were plastered to me at this point, and my skin actually felt thirsty. Late May in Mississippi is not for wusses. Looking at the clear water, the idea of an outdoor bath started to seem too delicious to resist.

It was kind of crazy—I mean, I hadn’t exactly packed a swimsuit for my little nature walk. Whatever. I could use a minute or two of crazy in my life right about now.

I shucked my sweaty clothes, leaving my bra and panties on. There might have been six hundred acres of my grandma’s posted forest land between me and the nearest person, but I wasn’t that brave.

I stepped into the cool water. It felt unbelievably good, and I slipped under, blowing out all the stuffy humid air in my body. After a minute my lungs burned. I resurfaced, stood up in the waist-deep pool, and waited for the water to stop running down my face.

Then I opened my eyes. 
There in front of me, kneeling on the mossy bank and staring right at me, was a guy. A big blond guy, about my age.

I know him. No—wait—I don’t know. 
It didn’t really matter because he shouldn’t have been there. No one should’ve been there, but he was.

I’m basically naked and alone in the woods with a stranger. Not good.

My chest was on fire. I wasn’t breathing, and then I was breathing too much, too quickly. My mind spun and scrambled for anything like a rational thought.

If I’d been watching myself in one of those stupid screamer movies, I’d have been shouting at the screen, “Move! Run! Do something.” But it was like that time when I was home alone and thought I heard an intruder. I just froze.

The guy looked almost as shocked as I felt, seeming unable to tear his wide-eyed stare away. Like me, he was frozen in place.

Then his face relaxed. And he smiled.
Sure. Alligators can smile, too. At least the sight ripped me out of my temporary paralysis. I finally moved, lunging toward the bank, intending to climb out and run, or at least get my clothes. 

Oh. My clothes. I plunged myself back into the water up to my chin. I had no idea what to do. I was basically at this guy’s mercy—miles from anyone who could hear me scream, ridiculously outsized and overpowered.

He still hadn’t said anything. No “I’m sorry,” or “Hello there,” or “Why no, I’m not a rapey stalker.” 

“Get out of here. You’re trespassing.” My attempt to be threatening came out sounding kind of pathetic, breathy and high-pitched.

The guy jerked back, lost his balance, and ended up on his rear. For a minute I was hopeful—maybe he was actually buying my bluff—but he got back up slowly to his haunches, and the corner of his mouth eased up along with one eyebrow. 

“Trespassing? Well. There must be some law against public indecency, too. You shouldn’t be out here like…”

He gestured toward me. “…that.” 

His voice was deep, mature-sounding, though he wasn’t more than eighteen, and his amused grin said he couldn’t have been more pleased I was out here like this.

Who does he think he is?

“No, you stupid... ass—you shouldn’t be out here. I own these woods, and You. Are. Trespassing. Now leave.”

That was it—I’d used the only cuss word I could pull off convincingly, and I sure did hope it worked, because if it didn’t, I had nothin’. 

My tough talk made me feel slightly less afraid. But I was still stuck in the shamefully clear pool, and he was still there grinning and looking at me like the kid who’d found the Halloween candy stash.

He stood, and I had to squint up at him. His dark blond hair was haloed by the rays of sun slipping through the leafy canopy above. Strands of lighter gold glinted through the loose curls.

I was cornered by possibly the world’s most angelic-looking peeping Tom. Or serial killer. Neither thought was comforting.

Our standoff continued for long moments. Then suddenly he was moving toward me. He reached down and grabbed my pile of clothes on the bank and extended them out over the water to me.

“Sorry,” he said, not exactly sounding full of remorse, “but I’m not leaving. I need to talk to you first.”

I willed myself to breathe again. “Talk to me? No. Just leave. Go away or…”

Or what? I’d scream, and all the forest creatures would rush to my rescue? I’d stay in there until I shriveled like a Craisin?

He looked at me, waiting for me to finish my empty threat, I guess. When it was clear I wasn’t going to, he narrowed his eyes and twisted his lips in a calculating expression.

“Okay. Listen, if you don’t want these clothes, I’ll toss them over there, and go sit down awhile against that tree. My arm’s getting kind of tired.”

He stretched it to demonstrate his point, grinning widely at me again. If I could’ve reached him, and done it without giving him another free peep show, I’d have slapped that perfect smile off his face.

So… maybe I wasn’t dealing with someone dangerous here, but he sure was annoying.
I had a choice—argue with the guy holding the only thing standing between me and full-frontal, or stay there wearing my arms for a shirt and hope he’d eventually get bored and leave on his own.

Right. I snatched the clothes out of his hand and scowled at him. 
“Could you at least turn around?”

He paused a second then turned his back, and I set a world speed record for underwater dressing. Then I crept up the bank, grabbed my shoes, and took off running. He might have been harmless, but why take chances?

I managed a few yards and didn’t hear him coming after me. Then the huge golden-haired guy dropped out of a tree right in front of me. 
I let out a squeal as my wet body slammed hard into his.

He grabbed my upper arms, steadying me. I started screaming and slapping at him with my sneakers, dropping them in the process. 
He immediately let me go and raised his hands in surrender.

His words came out in a hurry. “Hey, calm down. I know I scared you. But I’m not going to hurt you. I only want to talk to you. Please.”

I stepped back and rubbed my arms where his fingers had been moments earlier. “I guess you’re not going to give me a choice. All right then. You want to talk? You go first. What are you doing on my land, and why were you spying on me?”

“Your land. Right. Well, I wasn’t spying. I was walking back from the library.”

He nodded toward a scattered pile of books on the other side of the pool.

“I saw your clothes and shoes there—I was going to keep going so I wouldn’t scare you, but then you didn’t come up for so long. I was just checking to see if you were okay. I didn’t mean for you to see me. And then there you were, and you were all…”

He swept his hand up and down in my direction and blushed deeply. 

“Exposed? Half-naked? Don’t try to make me believe you were embarrassed. Sorry, but I’ve got the market cornered on humiliation today.”

“I’m sorry. Really. It’s not like I planned this.”

I studied him. Though I had no rational reason to believe him, I did. Something in his voice told my self-preservation instinct to stand down.

“Okay then, assuming you’re not a registered sex offender—you’re not, are you?”

“No.” He looked insulted.


“No!” He gave a frustrated huff of a laugh. 

“Okay. So you were walking back from the library… to where?”

I thought of the few houses bordering my grandma’s property. Most of the owners were old, like her. Maybe he was somebody’s grandson, visiting for the weekend.

“I live… near here.” 

“Near here, like, off the county road, you mean?”

He glanced around. “Uh… yes.” 

Now that I was calm enough to care, I noticed he looked… different… not like any of the guys I’d ever seen in school. He was fresher somehow, healthier-looking, like no artificial color or flavor had ever crossed his lips.

I couldn’t decide if it was the skin or something else, but he looked like he’d never had a bad night’s sleep. There were no freckles, no marks on him anywhere. His eyes were a pure, clear green, like sunlight shining through a leaf. 

He wore ripped, faded jeans and an ancient plaid shirt with cut-off sleeves. It hung open to expose his smooth light brown chest and stomach. His feet were bare. It was like an Abercrombie ad gone wrong, because you didn’t want to buy the clothes, just… him.

“You don’t go to Deep River High. Did you just move here?” I had to ask—if I was going to have Spanish class next fall with a guy who’d seen me almost naked, I wanted to be forewarned. Bonitas chichis, Senorita.

“Oh, no, I uh… I’m home schooled.”

“Good,” I said quickly then slowed myself down. “I mean, all right. So what’s your name?” 

He hesitated but answered. “It’s Lad.” 

“Okay then. Lad—I’m Ryann.”

“I know.” 
Not what I was expecting to hear. I fired back at him, “How do you know my name?”

He looked away for a second then back at me. His eyes held a pleading I-know-I’m-busted look. He shook his head and opened his hands, palms-up to the sides. “I just… do?” 

Wrong answer. I didn’t care how cute he was, this was all too weird. I started backing away.

“Well, um, Lad, now that we’ve talked, I have to get home. My mom and grandma are going to have the National Guard out here combing the woods soon.”

He moved toward me and wrapped a large hand around my arm, the pressure not bruising, but firm. The heat of it sizzled on my wet skin. 

“No. Not yet. Please, I have to show you something.” He tilted his head down and stared directly into my eyes, lowering his voice. “You must come with me.” 

His gaze was so intense, almost like he was pushing me with his eyes, like he thought he could simply will me to agree with him.

Right. My breath evaporated along with any feeling of comfort that had begun to develop. I leaned back, putting some space between us, and laughed nervously.

“You know what? The only thing I must do is get home. I’m not kidding about the National Guard. You’ve never met my mom or you wouldn’t doubt it.”

I tried for flippant, but it came out sounding stressed.

“I can’t let you go yet.” He paused and then his tone turned up, like he’d just had a great idea. “I have something of yours. I want to give it back.”

“What could you possibly have of mine? No thanks. I’m leaving.”

I wrenched my arm free, turned and stomped off, praying he didn’t repeat that freaky dropping-from-the-branches move, and growing more nervous every second about this guy’s inability to take no for an answer.

“I found your book.”

His quiet words stopped me. I slowly turned to face him again, my stomach lined with ice. Finding the breath to respond was a challenge.

“What book?”

But I already knew what he was going to say.

“The book you left out here… that night.”

Ten years ago.

“How do you know about that?” 

“You can have it back. You want it, don’t you?”

I did. More than that, I wanted to know how this stranger knew about my beloved childhood book. And what was he doing with it after all this time?

There was really only one explanation. 
“It’s you, isn’t it?”

He smiled and just looked at me, those scorching bright eyes like a magnifying glass over a dry leaf, burning a hole through everything I’d believed for the past ten years.

Meet the Author

Amy Patrick writes "unique" and "engrossing" (Examiner. com) YA romance and young adult sci fi and fantasy books that make you want to "read straight through the night into the breaking hours of dawn." (Bitten By Books) 

Her hugely popular Hidden Saga romantasy series is followed by her Crimson Accord vampire romantasy series and Designed, a new dystopian romance series.

Amy is a two-time Golden Heart finalist and lives in Rhode Island where she enjoys writing in her car at the beach year-round. 

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  • He isn't supposed to even talk to a human... much less fall in love with one.

    Ryann has just run into the guy who saved her life ten years ago. You might think she'd be happy to see him again. Not exactly. She's a bit underdressed (as in skinny-dipping) and he's... not supposed to exist.

    Lad knows the law of his people all too well: Don't get careless and Don't get caught.
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    Ryann thought she knew who she was… a small-town Southern girl just trying to survive her parents’ messy divorce and find some peace for herself.

    She thought she knew what she wanted… a summer job, a car, a first date that didn’t suck, and NO complications from a serious relationship—any guy in her life would simply be icing on the cake.

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    But Lad has revealed a secret to Ryann that devastates her and tears at her loyalties. And though Nox and Lad are fierce rivals for the girl they both love, an even bigger problem threatens them all.

    The unsuspecting human population of the world hangs in the balance of an approaching war between Dark and Light. Powerful fan pods have transformed the face of the country. The Dark Council’s plan is almost accomplished, and they are nearly ready to reveal themselves and take back rulership of the world, as it was in the old days, before the history books were written.

    Ryann can’t believe the Nox she knows and loves would allow that to happen, though he is now deeply entrenched in the Dark Court and seems to be changing by the day. Is his love for Ryann strong enough to give him the strength to stand against his people and their plot?

    Or should she side with Lad and the Light Court, who appear to have the welfare of humans in mind? He is fighting the looming danger as hard as he can, fully involved now in the world of Elven politics he tried so hard to avoid.

    Ryann will have to learn to balance her own Dark and Light sides-- and somehow make a the right choice between two tempting Fae guys-- or face the consequences of a wrong decision eternally and watch her family and the entire human world fall under the oppression of the Dark Court.

  • The Darkness is Coming...

    Ryann and Lad are together and in love but not yet bonded. Wedding plans are underway, but they cannot marry until the mourning period for his father, the murdered king, ends. Waiting is sweet torture and gets harder all the time.

    Nox is touring the world with his band The Hidden and working to convince the holdout tribes in Europe, Asia, and Australia to disband their fan pods and sign the new peace treaty between the Dark and Light Courts. It’s the only way to ensure the safety of humans worldwide.

    But unbeknownst to any of them, dark forces are still at work. There are some who don’t support the treaty—or their new king. And they’ll do anything necessary to restore Elven reign over humanity. When an ambassador from the Dark Court arrives in Altum, Lad expects relations between the formerly antagonistic clans to improve. What he didn’t expect is her unique glamour—or her traveling companion.

    If they can’t uncover the hidden truth in time, the much-anticipated royal wedding may never happen.

    As the Hidden Saga continues, friendships will be formed and broken, the bonds of love tested, and beautiful and dangerous new glamours revealed.

  • The Danger is Everywhere...

    The Dark Council has struck a shocking and powerful blow against the Light Court and its human allies, defying their own king and seeking to re-establish Dark Elven influence and domination over the human world.

    While Ryann and Lad work to restore production of Magnolia Sugar Tea, Ava is forced to return to the Dark Court to face Audun, the cruel and powerful head of the Dark Council, and learn the consequences for disobeying his orders. With no other choice, she sets off on a road trip with her former fiancé Culley, whom she does not like and does not trust, and leaves behind Asher, the intriguing and much too tempting human boy she met in Deep River.

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    But there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to this mysterious Dark Elven guy with his alluring and deceptive glamour, and Ava will find herself torn between two possible futures as she sets her own course through the Hidden world.

  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...

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